Thinking of Tomorrow

Thinking of Tomorrow focuses on how actions today not only have immediate consequences, they can have huge impacts on your life years down the road. Everything from what brand of groceries you buy, whether or not you went to college, and how you handle daily stresses can leave a lasting impact. I am a certified health & life coach and I read books on leadership and psychology almost daily. I hope that providing some perspective and asking some thought provoking questions I can help listeners change their daily habits, so they can live a more fulfilling life.

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Developing Patience

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

In episode 12 I talk about what patience is, what it looks like when someone is patient, and most importantly how to build patience as a skill. I reference The Marshmallow Test, Chris Croft, and Simon Sinek, and I hope you take away some valuable information on this one. Thanks for listening.

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

In this episode I talk about the differences between internal and external obstacles, how to define them, and most importantly how to overcome them. Our internal obstacles tend to be habits that we are trying to change, and external obstacles tend to be things that we need mental flexibility to work around.

Episode 10 - Reaching Goals

Monday Jan 08, 2024

Monday Jan 08, 2024

Happy 2024!For episode 10, I wanted to talk about how to reach your goals. A lot of people make New Year Resolutions as a way of setting goals to try and do better this year than we did last year. Unfortunately, most of us do not stick to our goals after a month or two. I hope the examples and strategies in this episode help you stick to your goals so you can feel better about what you accomplished in 2024 than what you accomplished in 2023.

Episode 9 - Implicit Trust

Monday Nov 27, 2023

Monday Nov 27, 2023

In episode 9 I talk about the reasons why we have different levels of implicit trust and why it has been declining over the last 30 to 40 years. Citing a pew research study done in 2019 about trust declining over the past 3 generations, giving a few specific examples of big news stories that degraded trust for millennials, and most importantly how to start rebuilding that trust with each other.

Episode 8 - The Wedding Cake

Friday Nov 17, 2023

Friday Nov 17, 2023

In this episode I continue discussing the importance of language and how it changes the way we perceive a situation. I talk about how Lynda and I have improved our communication over 14 years of being married, and how a bakery in Oregon refusing service to a couple could have been handled far better by everyone involved if they had used better language to address each other.

Thursday Nov 09, 2023

In this episode I discuss a small part of the book "Turn the Ship Around" by retired U.S. Navy Captain David Marquet. I use one of his examples to demonstrate the importance of language and how changing the words we use to describe a situation will change how we think of that situation. Describing a group as 'they' puts a psychological barrier up that separates us from that group, making it easier to push blame and take no responsibility.

Episode 6 - The Marshmallow Test

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

In this episode I talk a little about The Marshmallow Test by Walter Mischel, and focus on how building trust is a form of delayed gratification and is essential to building successful teams. The quick gains you might see by doing something that gets results immediately will likely cause you long term headaches that there is no quick solution for. Building trust takes time, and the benefits are not easily measured, but it is always worth it.

Episode 5 - Why all the Remakes

Thursday Oct 26, 2023

Thursday Oct 26, 2023

In this episode I talk about my thoughts on remaking old movies versus making a "new" movie that is basically the same story with different characters. People often make fun of Hollywood because a lot of what they put out is the same story with a different set of characters in a different setting. I chose to focus on the racial differences because that seems to be what most of the fuss is about right now. Hope you enjoy!

Monday Sep 11, 2023

In Episode 4, I talk about how good sportsmanship can be factored into many areas of our lives. This episode is mostly just my opinion based on personal experiences, and is not something I have done a great deal of research on. Please let me know if you agree or disagree with my thoughts and reasons, and tell me a personal story about yourself that backs up why you have your opinion. I always appreciate an open discussion because that is the only way we can grow.

Monday Aug 28, 2023

In this episode I interview a friend of mine from the Australian Army, Clint Chilcott. Clint spent quite some time in Antarctica as part of a small team, and talks about the importance of trusting your team and having quality leaders help create that trust.


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